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A great way to spend a 13 hour layover in Japan


I was dreading a 13 hour layover in addition to an airport transfer from Haneda to Narita on my return flight back home to the US. While I was researching my transfer options form Haneda to Narita, I stumbled into this layover tour with Travel Assist. I was already in transit when I decided to inquire on a Friday. Tony was very responsive. After a few emails back and forth, I was set up with my layover for Monday. Tony picked me up at Haneda on a brand new Discovery Land Rover. I ate my way around Tsukiji Fish Market, Photo op at the red shrine gate, strolled through the Meiji shrine, viewed the Tokyo from the Shinjuku Metropolitan government building, and had lunch at a local restaurant called Tsujihan. I was also able to shop for souvenirs and a bottle of Sake. The drive to Narita from Tokyo to Narita was breeze and comfortable. I did not have to worry about lugging my suitcase since it was safe in the vehicle the whole time I was touring. The tour was personalized to me. To top it all, Tony brought his camera and took my pictures along the way. Such a value added feature to the tour. I recommend this tour to anyone who has to spend a long layover in Japan, a great way to turn a negative to a positive experience.

Thank you Tony!



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    Have answers, will travel.

    We will send you an online invocie after asiging a guide. You can pay it with credit card.

    I think a charterd car tour brings you easy and comfortable. Traffic in Tokyo is not bad. Of course, if you take a tour by train, it is also fun to know real life in Tokyo.

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