Your Tour Guides
All Japanese locals living in Japan
Hello, my name is Shelly. I used to work as a concierge at a hotel and service apartments for over 10 years and now I am working as a tour
Konnichiwa! I am a tour guide, a Japanese teacher, and the mother of two children. As a local guide in Tokyo, being like a host mother
Hello, I'm Lisa, a Tokyoite. I am wroking as a full time professional weekdays. I work as tour guide after work or weekend because I enjoy this job.
Hi I am Sophia, your tour guide. I am currently working as a tour guide for FIT traveller and group tour.I know the difference between them.
Hi I am Tracy, your Tokyo guide. I love traveling! It gives me a chance to get to know how other people live, their culture, and discover new places .
Hello, My name is Daiki. My hometown is Shizuoka prefecture. After graduated from high school, I moved to “Kansai” region.
Hi! My name is Kiriko. I have been working as a national licensed tour guide since 2019 🙂 I was born and raised in Osaka
I have been working in the internet business field for over 30 years in Japan.I like to communicate with foreign people to foster mutual understanding.
Hello, my name is Kiki. I was born and rised in Kyoto, let's explore Japan with local! I'm yours!
Hi! I am Erika. I’ve been in the tourism industry for a number of years after working as a journalist at several international news organizations.
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I think a charterd car tour brings you easy and comfortable. Traffic in Tokyo is not bad. Of course, if you take a tour by train, it is also fun to know real life in Tokyo.