HOME > TESTIMONIALS > Alena Cheung from Australia with Hakone & Mt. Fuji tour

Alena Cheung from Australia with Hakone & Mt. Fuji tour

It was our great pleasure to have Toshio taken us to Mt Fuji. Attenton to details , flexible and always did his best to cater for our family needs . He is very knowledagble to the area, patient with both my young 4 year old and our teenage son . As we travelled in his comfortable car ( great driving skills as well ) picked up from Tokyo to Mt Fuji , we saved lots of time in finding our own way . We also found his service economical as compared to group tour . Highly recommended. alena



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    Have answers, will travel.

    We will send you an online invocie after asiging a guide. You can pay it with credit card.

    I think a charterd car tour brings you easy and comfortable. Traffic in Tokyo is not bad. Of course, if you take a tour by train, it is also fun to know real life in Tokyo.

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